
  • Coconut Flour 250g

    Coconut flour 250g is rich in lipids and low in water. Its energy intake is really high, it can be placed between seasoning oil and refined cereal flour.

  • Dried prunes pitted

    The principal features of the dried prunes pitted is that laxative, their assumption is a good method to prevent the constipation. 

  • Exotic Mix 250g

    The exotic mix of Vincenzo Caputo is a great source of soluble fiber in the diet.

  • Mirtilli Rossi Disidratati – 100g

    I mirtilli rossi disidratati Caputo sono confezionati in porzioni da 100g, per essere consumati a colazione o come snack.

  • More di Gelso Bianco Disidratate – 100g

    Per la delicatezza che le contraddistingue, Caputo le offre disidratate e confezionate in porzioni da 100g, per essere utilizzate nello yogurt o in particolari preparazioni dolciarie.

  • Raisins 250g

    Raisins 250g are a considerable concentration of dietary fiber, mineral salts and different phenolic substances. In particular, the large quantity of fiber contained is really good to prevent constipation.

  • Zenzero Disidratato – 100g

    Lo zenzero disidratato è zuccherato, dolcissimo e leggermente piccante! Uno snack speciale per consumatori speciali.